Online learning guides

admin Duration: 0 h 20 min 4 Lessons

Practical guide to empower you to help GBVF Victims and Survivors

This guide will empower you to support gender-based violence & harassment survivors or victims and yourself in times of need. Recognising the signs of different types of abuse. Three steps to provide support: Step 1 – Listen, make them feel heard and seen. Step 2 – Support and care, referral to immediate and long term support and care. Step 3 – Looking after yourself.

admin Duration: 0 h 30 min 0 Lessons

Introduction to 100-Day Challenges

Short overview of the 100-Day Challenge approach. The End GBVF Movement and 100-Day Challenges is a programme under the umbrella of the End GBVF Collective. The aim is to build capacity in Municipalities, Courts and TVET colleges to implement the National Strategic Plan on GBVF in local communities. Participants in the learning journey are guided to convene, facilitate and support 100-Day Challenge teams that are focusing on delivering impact on a GBVF indicator in 100-Days.

admin Duration: 2 h 0 min 9 Lessons

GBVF 101 – Safeguarding, Causing no harm

The guide aim to ensure that as we participate in or support collective action to address GBVF in South Africa, we have a common understanding of the context, an awareness and sensitivity about the complexity of the topic, and a shared language we can use to communicate with each other in an efficient and clear way. You will not become an expert on GBVF but we hope it will bring you be a step closer towards the aspiration of “causing no harm” as you engage in collective work.

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