Progress at Tshwane South TVET College: Breaking the Silence on GBV and Substance Abuse
Tshwane South TVET College has made remarkable strides in their 100 Days Challenge, successfully launching workshops on GBV and substance abuse at both the Pretoria West and Centurion campuses. These workshops, held simultaneously, are creating a significant impact by addressing some of the most pressing issues faced by students.
With active participation from stakeholders such as SAPS, the Department of Social Development, SANCA, pastors, and GBV survivors who shared their stories as motivational speakers, the workshops provided a safe and supportive environment for students. NGOs specializing in GBV and substance abuse also contributed, offering their expertise and resources.
Encouragingly, six students from the two campuses have come forward to seek assistance for past experiences with GBV, particularly incidents of rape. This brave step reflects the profound impact of the workshops in helping students break their silence and begin their journey towards healing and justice.
The 100-Day team is inspired by the progress so far and remains committed to continuing the effort to empower students, raise awareness, and foster a safer, more supportive campus environment.

100-Day Challenge 2024 Cycle:
09 August – 17 November 2024