Application for Convening partner officials to organise an
End GBVF 100-Day Challenge in 2025

We are glad that you are interested in organising a 100-Day Challenge to accelerate progress towards ending gender-based violence and femicide in your community.  This page provides background on the program, and it includes a first step in the application process. 

Overall context of the Programme


Build capacity in municipalities, magistrate courts and TVET colleges to organise multi-stakeholder collective efforts that moves the needle on specific impact and outcome indicators related to the National Strategic Plan (NSP) to end Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF)

Time Frame

This is part of a multi-year effort to end gender-based violence and femicide in our country.  Your participation will build on the successful 100-Day Challenges that have been organised since 2021. The programme will continue beyond 2025, and until the goal of ending GBVF in South Africa is achieved.


The programme is part of the End GBVF Collective and coordinated and organised by the World of Impact and Eish Impact Africa in partnership with COGTA, SALGA, DOJ & CD, DHET and DWYPD.

In 2025, the programme will be supported by the Ford Foundation.

Measuring Impact

Each 100-Day Challenge will have its own impact measuring mechanism. In the aggregate, the impact of 100-Day Challenges and other GBVF-related collective efforts  will be tracked through a national GBVF Dashboard. The Dashboard is part of the End GBVF Collective and coordinated by the NSP Pillar 6 team.

A word or two from End GBVF 100-Day Challenge participants

Justice sector

Click to watch the video in which the Chief Prosecutor for the Polokwane Cluster shares some insight into the impact of the End GBVF 100-Day Challenges in the courts and how the experience has influenced the way of working to improve the reporting and management of GBVF cases in courts.

TVET Colleges

Click to read the blog about progress at Tshwane South TVET College: Breaking the Silence on GBV and Substance Abuse.


Hard work pays.  Steve Tshwete Local Municipality RRT has been awarded this SALGA Award of Excellence in recognition of GBVF projects in partnership with End GBVF 100-Day Challenge and UN Women in 2023 & 2024. We are the only local municipality that was awarded this. It’s all thanks to the End GBVF 100-Day Challenge.  Thank you so much for challenging us to be unreasonable and achieve in 100 days what we couldn’t achieve for years.” Thandeka Masilela | Director of Mpumalanga Mental Health Social Ambassador for End GBVF 100-day Challenge, 2024.

The application details below will answer the following questions.

How does the capacity-building programme work?

Who can apply?

What if I am not an official from a convening partner?

How much will the programme cost?

What is the time commitment for the programmes?

When does the programme start?

At the end of the page, you will find the online application form and the MOA to be signed and uploaded once you received a confirmation mail.

How does the Capacity Building Programme work?

The capacity-building programme aims to activate the National Strategic Plan (NSP) at the local level: in courts, municipalities, TVETs,/Universities and associated community-based organisations. This is done through organising End GBVF 100-Day Challenges—collective efforts that help move the needle on specific impact and outcome indicators related to the NSP.

Applications or Interest

Anyone with some convening authority in a municipality, magistrate court, or TVET/University can initiate the process. This could be, for example, someone in the Gender Forum who brings up their interest in Ending GBVF 100-Day Challenges to colleagues in leadership positions in the municipality, magistrate court or TVET/University. If there is interest in proceeding, an official from the convening partners (municipality, magistrate court or TVET/Universities) in a leadership position applies and signs an MOU, and the process can begin. 

The senior leader will also select an Ambassador/Team Coach to join them on the learning journey.  Click the link for more details and the role and attributes of an Ambassador/Team coach.        LINK>>

Setting up the 100-Day Challenge

The journey will start with the initiating leader and Ambassador/team coach doing a short 2-day face-to-face orientation programme that will equip them with all they need to get an End GBVF 100-Day Challenge underway.

After the orientation, the leader consults with others in their local system and, together with them, decides on an area of focus for the 100-Day Challenge (typically one of the NSP impact indicators), assembles a team to work on this area of focus for 100 days.

Implementing the Challenge

The Ambassador/team coach supports the leader in setting up the challenge, followed by an online learning program enabling them to guide the team through their 100 days of action. The team will set a highly ambitious 100-day goal, and it will pursue this goal relentlessly over a period of 100 days. 

Amplification and Institutionalisation

Once the 100 days are over, the Senior leaders and Ambassador/Team Coach guide the other leaders on ways to amplify, scale and institutionalise the impact that the team created.  

Who can apply?

Individuals in the following positions would be the most appropriate participants to apply for the development programme. However, others with convening authority can also initiate the process and engage with the convening partners (Municipalities, Magistrates’ Courts, and TVETs) to identify the most appropriate official to apply. That senior leader and selected Ambassador/Team coach must complete the online application below, including signing the MOA.



Portfolio lead officials with gender as a key responsibility or a Municipal Manager

Ambassador/Team coach

Gender Focal person or an official task with gender initiatives in the municipality.



Principal | Deputy Principal Academic | Student Support Manager | Registrar

Ambassador/Team coach

Student support officer or a staff member who is tasked with gender initiatives.

Magistrate Courts


Regional Court Presidents | Chief Magistrates | Area court managers | Heads of sub-administration regions | Head of Courts | NPA -Chief or Senior Prosecutors.  

Ambassador/Team coach

Any court officer with the attributes of a team coach could be a magistrate, court manager, or prosecutor, for example.

The skills and experience that participants will gain in the programme will enable them to organise and support other collective action efforts in their systems.  These skills include adaptive leadership, strategic thinking, empowering teams, coaching, digital literacy, building resilience, agile project management, networking and relationship building.  The programme is facilitated by the World of Impact, a movement and capacity building company, and Eish Impact Africa, a non profit organisation that focuses on system change.

What if I am not an official from a convening partner?

Although the programme aims to build the capacity of officials inside municipalities, magistrate courts, and TVETs/Universities, setting up and implementing a 100-Day Challenge requires multi-stakeholder collective efforts to move the needle on GBVF impact indicators. The following paths are available for stakeholders who are not officials from one of the convening partners to initiate the process in their community.

Engage a local official to apply

You can initiate the process by engaging with a convening partner to identify the most appropriate official to apply.  For example, you may be an NGO in a Gender Forum.  In this Forum, you can discuss the community’s participation in End GBVF 100-Day Challenges and see if colleagues in leadership positions from the convening partners are interested in proceeding with the online application. 

If you need support convincing them to apply, click below to email us for help or advice. 

You can also email us to find out if a convening organisation in your community has already applied and how to contact them.

Initiate a Maturity Challenge

You can also initiate a GBVF Maturity 30-Day Challenge for your organisation. This 30-day project helps organisations rapidly improve their GBVF maturity by focusing on one behaviour, practice, or policy at a timeIt is modelled after the 100-Day Challenge approach, just simpler and even faster!

The process starts with your organisation registering for the End GBVF Health Check survey and staff completing the first survey. Leaders will then get access to a step-by-step online guide on organising GBVF maturity 30-Day Challenges and office hours with gurus on the process. 

Click this link for more details.

Once the convening partner joins the programme, you can be part of the Leadership discussion in the Gender forum or other platforms to select the focus areas, team and process facilitator.  You could also volunteer to be part of the 100-Day team that will set the 100-day Goal, develop the work plan and implement their plan.

How much will the Programme cost?

These programmes for initiating leaders and Ambassadors/Team coaches will be fully funded by the Ford Foundation in 2025so the cost of the capacity-building programmes in 2025 is zero.  All expenses for the face-to-face programme and online guides are covered except for travelling to and from the venue. Programme participants also need to sign a declaration of commitment.

100-Day Implementation:  The convening entity, the Municipalities, TVETs/Universities, Magistrate courts or the Local house of Traditional leaders are expected to cover logistic workshop expenses and budget for the work plan developed by the 100-Day Team (Minimum of R25,000).  Entities are encouraged to align their current GBVF intervention and event budgets (e.g. 16 days of activism; Women’s Month) to make provisions to support the 100-Day Teams. 

What is the time commitment for the Development Programmes?

Senior Leaders
Development Programme

Once an MOU is signed, the official in a senior leadership position participate in a short orientation and guidance program on organising End GBVF 100-Day Challenges in their entity.

Time commitment:

  • Face-to-face session with peers – 1 day
  • Online programme guide – total of 5 hours, spread over a 2-3 week period.
  • Guiding the Ambassador and the Team – average 1 hour per week, for 100-Days

Process Facilitators (Ambassadors/Coach)
Development Programme

Get selected by leaders 

Ambassadors get a step-by-step online guide on supporting End GBVF 100-Day Challenge teams, along with office hour calls with experienced 100-Day Challenge Ambassadors. Each Ambassador is expected to support at least two 100-Day Challenge teams. 

Time commitment:

  • Face-to-face programme – 2 days
  • Workshops and support over the 100-Day period:
    • Learning via the online guide – 2 hours per week.
    • Facilitating Workshops with the Teams: 3 days total, over the 100 -day period.
    • Supporting the teams outside of Workshops: average 1.5 hours per week. 

When does the programme start?

There will initially be four opportunities to start the 100-Day Challenge journey in 2025.  Applications will work on a first-come, first-served basis. Applications will close when all the slots in a group are filled or two weeks before the start of the development programme.


Leaders development programme starts with onboarding 11 Feb 2025

  • Face-to-face orientation: 25 & 26 Feb 2025
  • Setting the stage: March
  • 100-Day implementation: April-July.

Due to the merging of Group 1, the Ambassadors will join the leaders for the 2 day face-to-face session.

Application closed


Leaders development programme starts with onboarding 11 Mar 2025

  • Face-to-face orientation: 24 & 25 Mar 2025 
  • Setting the stage: April
  • 100-Day implementation: May-Aug

Slots still available

Cool Number


Leaders development programme starts with onboarding 8 Apr 2025

  • Face-to-face orientation: 22 & 23 April 2025 
  • Setting the stage: May
  • 100-Day implementation: Jun-Sept

Slots still available

Cool Number

Provincial groups

Due to interest in the programme, we are currently planning a province-specific face-to-face orientation in certain provinces.

More details on these to follow.

Step 1 - Application & MOA

 Before completing the application form – download, review and sign the MOA.  Once you submit the application, you will receive a confirmation email asking you to upload the MOA and finalise your application.    Courts participants do not have to sign an MOA as there is an MOA in place with DOJ&CD.

We will confirm your spot in the training group 4-6 weeks before the face-to-face training.  This will be the last opportunity to submit the signed MOA to confirm your programme placement.

 Continue completing the form below

Confirm your commitment by clicking each requirement:
Once you submit the application you will receive an email to confirm your application and upload the MOA.

Important Notice

Once you submit the application you will receive an email to confirm your application and upload the MOA.  If you do not receive an email please check your “Junk email” folder or email us at

Your application will only be REGISTERED once you have clicked on the link in the email and uploaded the signed MOA.  We will confirm your spot in the training group 4-6 weeks before the face-to-face training.  This will be the last opportunity to submit the signed MOA to confirm your place in the programme.

For more information, contact the Programme Team 

General enquiries: or  Sixolile Ngcobo – Localisation Navigator:

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