Circle of Amplifier
We are a group of people inspired to connect, learn from each other, and build our individual and collective capacities to respond to GBVF issues effectively. Through the circle, we are growing the members of End GBVF Collective and helping organisations prepare to host 100-Day Challenges in their communities.
Amplifiers could be schools, community-based organisations, government departments, municipalities, courts, universities, churches, private companies, informal networks, or groups of activists who desire to address GBVF in a practical, collaborative, and impactful way.
This Amplifier Toolshed is a “forever work-in-progress”. We have organised below what we currently have to get things started. More will be coming soon. And we will rely on you to share with us useful resources that we can add to the Toolshed. These could be GBVF practices you have experimented with in your organisation, innovations you have implemented in a GBVF task team, or an open registration webinar others in the community could benefit from.
Share your ideas with your Amplifier Navigator Nomki at
Click on the buttons below to access existing tools in the shed. Together we will End GBVF in South Africa.
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