All End GBVF Movement Platforms in One Place

There is a movement underway. No fanfare. No big pronouncements. Simply… People coming together and committing to do something about the plague of gender-based violence and femicide (GBVF) in South Africa… And then actually doing it!  The movement is growing within the End GBVF Collective.

This is our one-stop entry point to access a variety of resources and platforms to support communities and organisations, to end gender-based violence and femicide in South Africa. The movement also helps communities and organisations translate intent into impact by helping them organise 100-Day Challenges. 

End GBVF Dashboard
The Beta (testing) version of the End GBVF Dashboard are now available for members of our movement to help us test functionality. Official launch will be on 26 March 2025.
Beta Dashboard
Application for Senior Leaders
Appplications now open for Senior Leaders from Convening Partners (Municipalities, TVET Colleges and Courts) to organise an End-GBVF 100-Day Challenge in 2025.
Appplication Details
Application for Courts
Courts who seleted to join the 100-Day Challenge Programme can register here.
Court Registration
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Access all of our latest press releases, media briefings, blogs, televised interviews and upcoming media events. You can also follow the conversation on social media and stay up-to-date with the latest stories.
Visit Newsroom
Learning Guides
Short overview of the 100-Day Challenge approach

Practical guide to empower you to help GBVF Victims and Survivors

GBVF 101 – Safeguarding
Visit the Guides
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Our People and Platforms

100-Day Challenges

Keep up-to-date with where End GBVF 100-Day Challenges are happening and the progress of the 100-Day teams.  This platform will also provide the latest news that emerges from the teams.

GBVF Maturity
Health Check

The Health Check survey is a self improvement tool for organisations to assess their performance regarding GBVF-related behaviours, policies, and practices and identify actions to improve.


The End GBVF dashboard enable Municipalities, GBVF service providers and organisations to track performance on key indicators and maturity of services. Inspiring everyone to identify and prioritise areas for improvement.  


End GBVF Collective Workspace for the NSP pillar teams and collective task groups to support the activities and monthly meetings of the Collective. The collective is open to any person and organisation that wants to work together to End GBVF in South Africa.   

Circle & Resources

We are inspired to connect, learn from each other, and build our individual and collective capacities to respond to GBVF issues effectively. Through the circle, we are growing the members of End GBVF Collective and helping organisations prepare to host 100-Day Challenges.

Amplifier GBVF Health Check

The “GBVF Health Check” is a self-improvement tool for  organisations to  assess GBVF-related behaviours, policies, and practices, and to identify actions to improve their performance and their alignment with best practices in the field.

100-Day Challenges Impact

Keep up-to-date with where End GBVF 100-Day Challenges are happening and the progress of the 100-Day teams.  The teams set their own ambitious 100-Day goals and developed work plans, including new ways of working and innovations, that they will test. 


Keep up-to-date with our latest news and developments in the 100-Day Challenge journey. On this platform you will be able to access all of our latest press releases, media briefings and upcoming media events. You can also follow the conversation on social media.

Online Training platform

The World of Impact Online Training platform for Ambassadors and Conveners that are the local facilitators of the 100-Day Challenges approach. Read more about the learning journey, previous Challenges and what it takes to host and facilitate a 100-Day Challenge in your community.

Ways to Get Involved

Frequently Ask Questions

For more information and further clarification, you can contact: Nomgqibelo Mdlalose –    | 

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