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Taletso TVET – 100 Day Challenge GBV dialogue sessions on campus

Taletso TVET pioneers GBV dialogue sessions on campus

100 Day Challenge | North West | Taletso TVET College | Campus Dialogue Sessions

MAHIKENG, SOUTH AFRICA – A pioneering End GBVF 100-day challenge initiative, involving a collaborative effort of various stakeholders, recently concluded at the Taletso TVET College, Mahikeng campus. The primary objective of this initiative was to actively engage male students in addressing and mitigating the social factors that contribute to gender-based violence (GBV) on campus. The aim of the initiative is to host dialogue sessions to foster an environment conducive to building positive behaviours and addressing negative ones.

This effort is a part of a wider national campaign, known as the End GBVF 100-Day Challenges, where multisectoral teams across South Africa take on ambitious challenges to end GBVF in their communities. The Talesto TVET team has set a target to increase the GBV referrals from 10 to 50 during the 100 days in order to establish a zero-tolerance culture for GBV in the Mafikeng, Lehutshe and Lichtenberg campuses of Taletso TVET College.

Refilwe Kwamongwe, spokesperson for the initiative, highlighted the importance of such engagements. “Our mission is to create a safe space for students to open up about the issues they face, particularly those related to GBV. We believe that many challenges faced by male individuals stem from a lack of self-introspection or self-reflection, which often lead to harmful behaviours,” Kwamongwe said.

The session was not just about dialogue, but also education. Male students were provided with guidance on the importance of respecting consent. This included understanding and accepting when a woman communicates her refusal during sexual intercourse, and not resorting to violence during conflicts.

This initiative is a step towards a safer and more respectful society, where gender-based violence is not tolerated, especially on TVET campuses. This initiative is an effort to change the narrative, to shift the mindset of young men, and to empower them with the knowledge and understanding needed to foster a culture of respect and equality.

“We hope that our initiative will have a ripple effect, encouraging more institutions to conduct similar sessions. Our ultimate goal is to create a society where everyone feels safe, respected, and valued,” concluded Kwamongwe.

 9 August – 17 November 2023


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