Team News and Updates

Nkowankowa Domestic Violence Backlog Results – 100 Day Challenge

Nkowankowa Domestic Violence team celebrates impressive results

100 Day Challenge | Nkowankowa | Domestic Violence | Backlog Results

The Nkowankowa Domestic Violence Team at the beginning of their journey set a highly ambitious goal to reduce the backlog of domestic violence cases by 80%. This would reduce 245 cases down to 49 cases in 100 days. 

Rallying the team’s capacity and tapping into a new level of collaboration, the Nkowankowa team has done exceptionally well to reach their goal in week 9 of their 100-Day journey. They currently have only 43 cases outstanding.

The team attributes this success to a newly founded level of collaboration and laser focus on a target. A key component of this achievement was a close working relationship with the magistrate and the police. Upon receiving request forms, the team and the magistrate would assist by working beyond their standard duties, with their goal in mind.

Luckily with the full dedication of all stakeholders involved, the team experienced no obstacles or challenges. During the remaining day in their 100-Day Challenge the team will be exploring strategies to sustain this effort.

 9 August – 17 November 2023


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