End GBVF Dashboard

Dashboard Under Construction

The End GBVF dashboard is currently under development.  The aim of the dashboard is to enable Municipalities, Courts and Amplifier organisations to track their performance on key GBVF indicators, to compare this with regional and national averages and standards, and to identify and prioritise areas for improvement.  We hope that the dashboard will enable organisations to make data-informed decisions related to GBVF-related policies and actions.

The End GBVF Dashboard will be updated quarterly, and it will…

  • Track performance on key GBVF indicators.
  • Indicate the strength of some of the mechanisms in municipalities to tackle GBVF-related issues.
  • Show the level of adoption of GBVF Health Check surveys.
  • Enable access sub-dashboards for communities  that are implementing End GBVF 100-Day Challenges. 

Health Check

The Health Check part of the dashboard will be used by individual organisations (initially, members of the End GBVF Collective). It is a survey that enables leaders and members of the organisations to track their performance on key GBVF indicators (e.g incidence of sexual harassment), and the robustness of their GBVF-related policies and practices. This will help leaders identify points of intervention and investment areas to improve their GBVF performance. 

Implementation Plan

Pilot Phase

May-December 2023

A group of municipalities doing 100-Day Challenges will be selected in July 2023 to participate in the Dashboard pilot. The Dashboard team will socialise the draft design and user interface with representatives from these municipalities, and get their feedback. The dashboard will be built, tested and deployed in these municipalities in 2023. The Dashboard team will collect usage data and improvement suggestions during the pilot phase. As part of this, some municipality employees will be trained on using the dashboard.

Adjustment Phase

January-March 2024

The dashboard will be refined and redesigned based on the data gathered in the pilot phase.

Full Deployment Phase

April 2024-December 2025

The dashboard will be deployed in the municipalities as they start doing GBVF 100-Day Challenges. A schedule of updated version releases will be developed as part of this deployment. 

Design Features

  • Data visualisation: The dashboard will provide data visualisation capabilities 
  • Data analytics and reporting: The dashboard will include data analytics and reporting capabilities, enabling organisations to analyse their data. This feature allows municipalities to gain deeper insights into their data and make data-driven decisions based on the insights gained.
  • User-friendly interface: The interface will be intuitive and designed to make it easy to navigate, use and capture data. 
  • Secure data storage and access: The data will be stored in a secure cloud-based environment with multiple layers of security protocols to ensure data privacy and protection.
  • Comparators: Each item on the dashboard will be hyperlinked to a database that allows the users to see aggregated data on that item in a variety of ways (regionally; nationally; comparable peer groups – e.g. similar size municipalities).

More information

If you have questions or need any information, please contact our Amplifier Navigator – Nomgqibelo@theworldofimpact.org

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