End GBVF Dashboard

Dashboard Under Construction - Go live end of September 2024

The End GBVF Dashboard is an initiative under the End GBVF Collective and coordinated by Pillar 6.

This is the first version of the dashboard developed as a proof of concept by The World of Impact and Eish-Impact Africa  supported by the Ford Foundation.  The GBVF Data monitors and capturer in the Premier’s offices are a key part of the team that developed the first version and they are gathering data that is displayed on the building blocks

The aim of the dashboard is to enable Municipalities, Courts and Amplifier organisations to track their performance on key GBVF indicators, to compare this with regional and national averages and standards, and to identify and prioritise areas for improvement.  We hope that the dashboard will enable organisations to make data-informed decisions related to GBVF-related policies and actions.

Version 1 of the dashboard – visualise data that is already publicly available.  The dashboard will grow as more partners come on board and more information and functionality becomes available.

How we see it working…

  • Public dashboard creating a pull for all municipalities to get onboard
  • Map becomes a standard agenda item in council meetings to prioritise GBVF plans, compare with other municipalities to learn lessons. 
  • Dashboard become a vehicle to build working relationship between municipality and local stakeholders  
  • Provincial and national departments use this to make decisions and allocate resources
  • Funders, NGOs and Agencies – Advocate for improved programming and investment decisions

The End GBVF Dashboard provide the following information

  • GBVF Building blocks – Indicate the strength and maturity of some of the mechanisms in municipalities to respond to GBVF.  The Data monitors and capturer in Premier’s offices are a key part of the team that developed the first version and they are gathering data that is displayed on the building blocks
  • Organisational GBVF Maturity Health Check – Results of a organisational self improvement survey tools on GBVF-related behaviours, policies, and practices. This tool is available to any organisation at www.endinggbvf.org
  • GBVF Crime stats – Quarterly crime statistics published by SAPS

Version 1 of the dashboard – visualise data that is already publicly available.  The dashboard will grow as more partners come on board and more information and functionality becomes available.

More information

If you have questions or need any information, please contact our Amplifier Navigator – Nomgqibelo@theworldofimpact.org

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