End GBVF Dashboard

Collective action

A collective effort by a multi-sectorial group of people to achieve a common goal and localise the national strategic plan on GBVF.

Currently, the Dashboard tracks:

End GBVF 100-Day Challenges emanated from an organically emerging “End GBVF Collective” of activists and organisations – public, private, and nonprofit – that took it upon themselves to translate the National Strategic Plan (NSP – GBVF) into action to prevent and end GBVF.

Each 100-Day Challenge is a structured journey of learning and discovery that aims to achieve a concrete impact in a specific area of focus within 100 days, and that is designed to inspire intense collaboration, rapid innovation and disciplined implementation. It is a unique way to organise and manage collective efforts involving multiple organisations in a way that leads to faster and more enduring impact.  Local 100-Day Challenge teams start this journey by setting unreasonable 100-Day Goals and developing innovative plans to achieve these. To set the stage for the journey, leaders shape and present a challenge to the team and create a “safe space” for the team to experiment and learn. The Scale-up Phase, involving System Leaders and 100-Day Challenge team members, ensures the gains are sustained after the 100-Days and that decisions are made on scaling the effort.

The dashboard indicates current and past challenges, what they focused on, and the 100-Day Goal. The aim is to have at least one Challenge every year in every local municipality.

 Future development includes listing Civil Society organisations and NGOs active in local municipalities.
If you have any suggestions or comments on what we can include in future versions, please send us an email at info@theworldofimpact.org
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