Join the Amplifier Circle

Welcome! We are excited that you want to join the Circle of Amplifiers.  We are a group of people inspired to connect, learn from each other, and build our individual and collective capacities to respond to GBVF issues effectively. Through the circle, we are growing the members of End GBVF Collective and helping organisations prepare to host 100-Day Challenges in their communities. Click on this LINK to read more about End GBVF 100-Day Challenges.

Amplifiers could be schools,  community-based organisations, government departments, municipalities, courts, universities, churches, private companies, informal networks, or groups of activists who desire to address GBVF in a practical, collaborative, and impactful way.

Together we will End GBVF in South Africa. 

Unsure of who should register your organisation?  See What if’s at the bottom of the page.

Register your organisation/group to unlock...

GBVF Health Check Report

Access to quarterly self-improvement survey and report to help your organisation on its GBVF maturity journey. 

GBVF 101

Safeguarding – Our first online learning module to ensure we have an awareness and sensitivity about the complexity of GBVF.


Visual tools for organisations and municipalities to track their progress and compare their GBVF performance with their peers.

GBVF Good Practices

 Resources to support your organisation on its GBVF maturity journey.

Insights from Implementers

 Innovations and lessons learned from local 100-Day Challenge teams implementing the NSP.

Support Network

Support services offered by partners to 100-Day Challenge teams and Amplifiers.

Thematic Webinars

Invitation to periodic events to share learnings and practices on GBVF themes. 

What if's...

What if I am not part of any organisation or group and would like to join the Circle as an individual contributor? 

You can still register as an organisation, you being the only member. Use your name as the organisation’s name and fill out other fields as best as possible and where applicable.

What if my organisation has multiple offices, branches or operations?

We suggest each office, branch, or operations register separately to ensure confidentiality on the End GBVF Health check survey.  An office can share their results with their organisations if they choose to do so.

What if I am not my organisation’s representative?

If you are not in a position to represent your organisation or group, please provide the details of the person who can do so.  For example, this could be the executive director, the End GBVF coordinator, the gender focal person, or the HR manager.  They will receive an email suggesting that they register the organisation. Once they do that, they will get a link that others in the organisation can use to register on the site and get access to the various tools.   

Need help?

Technical support –

Nomgqibelo Mdlalose –

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