End GBVF 100-Day Challenges

The Ford Foundation funded the 100-Day Challenges Capacity Building Programme in End GBVF Collective to accelerate local implementation. At the heart of the programme is the intentional focus and system design to create the enabling conditions for collaboration, innovation and implementation.

Learning and Resource Hub

Building our individual and collective capacities to respond to GBVF.  Key lessons learned through 100-Day Challenges and resources to grow GBVF maturity in organisations and collectively. 

The World of Impact Learning Platform

The World of Impact Online Guidance platform for leaders and coaches that convene, support and facilitate the 100-Day Challenges approach. Read more about the learning journey.

100-Day Challenge Projects in 2025

The training of 100-Day Challenge Leaders are in progress and this will build their capacity to coordinate and facilitate 100-Day Challenges at a locality.  The next steps are for the Leaders to bring multi-stakeholder leaders together at each locality to select the NSP impact indicator the team will focus on and select the 100-Day teams.  On this page you can track the process progress and the areas that is participating in 2025.

Gallery of Past 100-Day Challenges in South Africa



100-Day Challenges (Municipalities and End GBVF Collective)



100-Day Challenges (Municipalities, Courts and TVETs)



100-Day Challenges (Municipalities, Courts and TVETs)

Full information of Previous Projects

The training of 100-Day Challenge Ambassadors are in progress and this will build their capacity to coordinate and facilitate 100-Day Challenges at a locality.  The next steps are for the Ambassadors to bring multi-stakeholder leaders together at each locality to select the NSP impact indicator the team will focus on and select the 100-Day teams.  On this page you can track the process progress and the areas that is participating in 2024.

2024 Cycle 1

74 Courts in Limpopo worked in new ways to end GBVF in our country.

2024 Cycle 2

63 100-Day Challenge teams from Courts, Municipalities and TVET Colleges across South Africa took part in the journey.


Over 80 100-Day Challenge multi-sectoral teams in communities across South Africa worked in new ways to end GBVF in our country.


Seven 100-Day Challenge multi-sectoral teams have shared and celebrated their impact, discoveries made, and lessons learned.

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